Felonies or Misdemeanours – We Provide Qualified Defense
When you face a criminal offense charge in Nebraska, you need a determined, passionate attorney. You want a skilled legal team with a trailblazing attorney knowledgeable on all aspects of state law. Your attorney should anticipate the prosecuting team’s different approach for a felony vis-a-vis a misdemeanor. With a lead attorney who has over 12 years of experience in handling criminal cases in Nebraska, you can rely on our legal expertise to fight tirelessly for the justice you deserve.

Whether you face trial for drug possession or are arrested on a charge of assault and battery, the state of Nebraska has laid down strict penalties for various criminal offenses. A criminal conviction can not only leave you with a hefty fine and/ or jail time but also potentially taint your record. You need a dedicated attorney with a hands-on legal team that realizes how critical your case is. We understand the effects of a criminal conviction on your employability, child custody, driving privileges or your constitution-given right to possess a firearm.
We Deal in the Following Criminal Defense Cases
When you are charged with a felony in Nebraska, you need a fearless attorney. You can rely on our law office to rigorously cross-examine eyewitness accounts, coordinate with forensic specialists, investigate whether law enforcement agencies have followed the due process of law, and do everything necessary. We have vast experience in dealing with all criminal defense cases, including:
- Drug Possession
- Possession with Intent to Distribute
- Interstate 80 Drug Stops
- Weapons and Firearms Charges
- Assaults
Speak With Cody Immediately
When you face a serious criminal offense charge, make no mistake. You are in the fight of your life. To know how our law office can begin your defense strategy today, contact us. Call (402) 217-2267 or use our online form to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your case.
Criminal Defense Areas
DUI | Drug Possession | Possession with Intent to Distribute | Interstate 80 Drug Stops | Weapons and Firearms Charges | Assaults
Cody spent over 7 years working the Felony DUI Unit for the Nebraska Attorney’s Office where he handled hundreds upon hundreds of Felony DUI cases. Cody was responsible for prosecuting Felony DUI’s, Motor Vehicle Homicides, DUI Serious Bodily Injury cases, DUI Motor Vehicle Homicides, Manslaughters resulting from Crashes and DUI’s, and all other DUI related matters. Cody has conducted jury trials on all types of DUI related matters, and has been successful throughout. Cody knows the law, he knows the issues, and can provide you the most competent DUI Advice and Defense available.
Simple Drug Possession charges are some of the most commonly prosecuted crimes in Nebraska. Cody has extensive experience in handling drug related crimes. Cody has spent his entire career learning, preparing and applying the law regarding search and seizure, the essential knowledge to defending Drug Possession cases. Drug cases are won or lost at the suppression level, if law enforcement conducted an illegal stop or an illegal search the evidence should be thrown out AND your case should be dismissed. Cody will review your case thoroughly and provide you the best opinion on your Drug Possession charge.
A poorly working furnace or air handler means a very cold home or business in the winter. It’s important to have your furnace or air handler serviced regularly to extend its life and keep it functioning at maximum capacity. If it’s time for a new furnace or heating system, our team of experienced attorneys will guide you to the best and most energy efficient option to fit your budget.
All across Nebraska Interstates and Highways law enforcement are looking to stop vehicles and search for drugs. This usually comes in the form of spotting vehicles that they believe are targets for drug trafficking, typically rental cars with out of state plates. Then you are stopped for allegedly violating the most minor of traffic infractions, typically following too close or failing to signal. Again, suppressing evidence in these cases is the key to victory. Cody’s background as a prosecutor and defense attorney has allowed him to see both sides of the story and pick apart investigations to expose bad traffic stops. Exposing stop issues = better plea offers and potential dismissal of charges.
It is evident in this day and age that Law Enforcement are looking to keep guns off the street and out of the hands of people who pose a danger to society when possessing guns. However, that does mean that possessing a firearm by anyone they stop should result in seizure of the firearm and criminal charges. There are numerous ways of legally possessing firearms, and much like drug cases the laws that dictate legally searching and seizing weapons from people is complex and requires years of experience to learn what is a good search and seizure and what isn’t. Cody has been practicing in this area his entire career and can provide you the competent and experienced advice you need to get results on weapons and firearms cases.
Assault cases are some of the most frequently filed cases in Nebraska. Whether it is dispute between family members, between significant others, road rage or a bar fight, these charges are filed everyday. There are always at least two sides to every story, and the truth lies in between. The key to success on these cases is speaking with witnesses and speaking with them as soon as possible. Cody has handled hundreds of assault related matters throughout his career and has the experience necessary to ask the right questions and get to the truth. Having had experience prosecuting these matters is a key to knowing what the prosecutor needs to prove his or her case, and Cody has that experience and can get you results.